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More Than a Church

Spring Lake Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, a congregation in Spring Lake, NC, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community.

We welcome you to come and be a part of our wonderful family.  There is room for you here! Much more than a church or facade but a movement! No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you at the Lake. Get in touch today or come and visit us in person.

Robert at the Lake_edited.jpg

The following descriptions are meant to offer a general overview of the purpose and function of each ministry. Each ministry is responsible for implementing and promoting the overall mission of the church.

Ministries at the Lake

Board of Deacons

The deacons ministry of SLM hold the primary task of serving with the pastor and under his leadership: leading the church in the achievement of its mission; proclaiming the Gospel, teaching believers; and caring for the church’s members and community as a whole.

Laymen's League

The laymen ministry is comprised of men 18 and up. This ministry works to offer the men of the church opportunities for ministry within and outside of the church. 

Pastor's Aide

The Pastor's Aide Committee assists the Pastor within the ministry; serving as caretakers of the Pastor and his family. The purpose of the Pastor's Aide Committee is to provide service to the Pastor, ensuring that he is fully equipped, prepared, and able to fulfill his responsibilities in leading the congregation.

Mission Dept

The purpose of Mission Ministry is to build a biblical community of loving believers who have a personal relationship with God through service, according to Matthew 25:31-36. We are SAVED to SERVE! Our Mission Ministry exists to serve the needs of those in our church and our greater community. Please consider joining us in this work of serving as we have been commanded as disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Floral Club

The SLM Flower Ministry is carried out by an enthusiastic group of volunteers who seek to serve the SLM community and glorify God by creating skillful and graceful flower arrangements to enhance worship and other church sponsored activities. Men and women encouraged to participate.

Gospel Bells Ensemble

The Anointed Gospel Bells Ensemble is the first choir of the church and continues to sing praises to God every 2nd Sunday to this day! The divine singing of the Gospel Bells enabled them to travel providing concerts in many churches throughout the state of North Carolina, as well as Portsmouth, Virginia, Bridgeport, Connecticut, Newark, New Jersey, and South Carolina. We have attributed to various fund raising projects in support of our church, its auxiliaries and Pastor, whether it is financially and//or rending music. The Gospel Bells also have had the opportunity to appear as guests with several Gospel recording artists. Mentions - Evangelist Shirley Caesar, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Mighty Clouds of Joy and Reverend James Cleveland and the Brooklyn All Stars .


On November 20, 1998, they recorded their "first" album, which was released a few months later, entitled, "In His Presence". "Look where God has brought us, He has brought us from a mighty long way and He did not bring us this far to leave us now"!

John McKoy Gospel Choir

Involves singers with varying levels of experience and background. The choir leads 11:00 am worship on the 1st Sunday of every month and is named after the Late Rev. John McKoy Jr.

Male Chorus

Our mission and our goal is to sing praises unto the Lord, God and Holy Spirit.  We pray that what we sing about will touch someone's heart.  We pray that it may comfort the down trotted, the low in spirit and broken hearted.  The Male Chorus ministers in song on every 4th Sunday.

New Voices Youth choir

1 Timothy 4:12 “Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” In addition, there is much to be learned from the faith of a child.

Youth Ministry at the Lake offers a safe and accepting space for youth to learn and practice true discipleship, while also giving them opportunities to develop soft skills as well as leadership skills. Our youth ministry strives to help youth understand what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Through the youth choir, we help youth create and maintain authentic relationships with one another, put their faith in action, and seek to be more like Christ everyday.

The choir leads 11:00 am worship on the 3rd Sunday of every month


Usher Ministry

The Usher Ministry serves as initial greeters and to maintain order within the worship services of the church. Participants in this ministry are taught the various signs of ushering in order to perform their duties effectively. This ministry is vital to the church in that it assists the pastor and membership in carrying out a “smooth” collective worship experience.

Voices of Unity

The SLM Voices of Unity Choir is a congregate of all of the choirs combined in the church. This anointed group of choraleers sing on each 5th Sunday and special occasions i.e., church anniversaries, homecoming, productions, etc.

Image by Christian Wiediger



Some of the most common tasks that church media teams fulfill are to deliver information to your congregation and to create an open method of communication between attendees and church leadership. In a world that is increasingly relying on the internet to communicate, this will bring longevity to your church.  The media team can be comprised of Marketing and Media, Audiovisual and Photography.


The Bible describes the church as the body of Christ, and Christians as members of that body. For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.


Mid-Week Service

Wednesday 7:00 PM

Sunday Service

Every Sunday 11:00 AM 


Live w/Pastor V (virtual)

Monday Night 7:00 PM


Sunday School

Every Sunday 10:00 AM




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